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Family lawyer encourages people to keep talking

Rachel Spencer Robb is a partner and head of LCF Law's Family Law team. She has almost 20 years' experience dealing exclusively with family law issues. A qualified mediator, Rachel is nationally recognised as an expert in her field by independent legal guide Chamber and Partners and is a member of the Solicitors Regulation Authority Advanced Family Law Panel, as well as an Accredited Specialist of Resolution.

Rachel said: "During the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic families have been advised by the Government to stay home, stay safe and self-isolate. These are difficult times for us all - never before in peacetime have we seen such restrictions placed upon the freedoms we normally take for granted.

Challenging situations

"Many people are worried about their ability to feed or look after their families, including elderly relatives or those with special health needs, fearing for their jobs and incomes, all whilst juggling this new dynamic of all being together at home.

"Most families that can be, are now all under one roof, with very limited ability to go anywhere, but for essential shopping and emergencies. Whole families are trying to work and study together and, whether they live in a spacious house with gardens, or a small flat or house, these situations will challenge us all.

"For those whose relationships are, or have been strained for some time already, these are particularly difficult times. If marital relations are already very strained, it might be time to agree a truce for the sake of each other and any children.

Positive things

"However, for now, it's important to focus on the basic needs of your family and the most vulnerable in your community if you can. Try to offer or accept help and aim to stay connected online with family, friends and loved ones to keep your mind from dwelling on the negatives.

"It's essential that everyone does their best to keep mentally and physically well. One way of doing this is to work out what is and isn't in your control. Drawing up plans for shopping, schooling, and exercise will help to foster a sense of routine and stability in the family - but don't try to do too much.

"This crisis will pass, so take note of all the examples of strangers showing kindness to others and all of the positive things people are doing to help, as it will give you strength.

Supporting you

"Whilst many businesses have had to close their doors, thanks to technology and our human ability to adapt quickly to change, advice and guidance on any topic, including family relationships and matrimonial issues can still be easily accessed.

"LCF Law's family law team can be contacted via telephone, Zoom, FaceTime and WhatsApp, so please get in touch - we won't be charging for talking through an issue, we just want to do our bit to help."

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