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No Fault Divorce Roadmap

New ‘no-fault’ legislation was introduced on 6th April, which means married couples are now able to divorce more amicably, without assigning blame.

Our one minute video gives an overview of the roadmap to a 'no-fault' divorce, covering the main points and times lines.

The changes to the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 enables couples to divorce on the grounds of ‘irreconcilable differences,’ either individually or together, and without pointing the finger of blame. Prior to this couples had to state why they were divorcing, with the three most common legal reasons being allegations of the other’s unreasonable behaviour, allegations of adultery, or the fact that they have been already separated for two years, provided their spouse agreed. Removing the need for evidence of one party being to blame for the failure of the marriage should reduce the acrimony and conflict that often arises during a divorce, and particularly when the fault-based grounds of behaviour and adultery are contested.

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What can we do to help?

LCF Law offers a collaborative approach to divorce, which means clients can avoid going to court, in the majority of cases.

To find out more contact our Family Law Team  on 01274 848800

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