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Equality and Diversity

Equality and Diversity at LCF Law

We are committed to promoting equality and diversity within LCF Law. In addition as we are regulated by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) , under the SRA rules we are required to collect and publish our workforce diversity data.

None of our employees are obliged to provide their diversity data, but those that do, do so by filling out an online survey which maintains their anonymity.

Below we detail a summary of our 2023 SRA Survey.

Which best describes your role in the firm?

SRA Equality and Diversity Survey 2023 | Role within the firm

Solicitor 36.11%
Other Lawyer Role 13.89%
Business Support 47.22%
Prefer not to say 2.78%

What age bands do you fall under?

SRA Equality and Diversity Survey 2023 | Age Band

16-24 8.33%
25-34 26.39%
35-44 13.89%
45-55 20.83%
55-65 23.61%
65+ 0%
Prefer not to say 6.94%

What is your gender?

SRA Equality and Diversity Survey 2023 | Gender

Female 69.44%
Male 29.17%
Prefer not to say 1.39%

What is your ethnic group?SRA Equality and Diversity Survey 2023 | ethnic group

White 89.47%
BAME 8.42%
Prefer not to say 2.11%